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1.866.316.7268 [email protected]
WPCS 2.1.3

Meet our Staff – Jessica Keatinge

G’day it’s Jessica here from our Sydney, Australia office. I work in our customer service department and help run Samurai Tours social media. I have only been with the company for 4 short months but I already feel like family and can’t wait to continue to grow with the company. I was born and raised in Aurora, Colorado but have called Sydney home for a total of 7 years, with a 3 year gap where I lived in NYC. I am married to an Aussie and together we have a son, Maverick, who is 1.5 years old. We live on the beach in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney and spend all of our free time swimming and playing in the sand. Maverick has been an ocean lover since he was born, the cold Pacific waters never seems to bother him.  I haven’t yet been to Japan but it’s been a dream of mine for years. The people, traditions, and stunning landscape have always left me in awe, desperate to experience it. I’m sure I will one day soon but for now I am enjoying learning as I research and inform our followers on social media about this culture rich country.  

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